The Best Country In The World - INDIA

India is one, among the best country in the world. We may not be so much advance in technology, education, living standards, richness etc, but we have some other things which the other countries don't have & these unique qualities are very much necessary for every person on earth. Our manners, way of communicating with one another, etc are one of the important components which differentiate us from others. Even though we have accepted modern means of living, improved our lifestyle, our values and beliefs still remain unchanged. A person can change his way of clothing, way of eating and living but the rich values in a person always remains unchanged because we are deeply rooted within our hearts, mind, body and soul which we receive from our Indian culture. 

We treat guests as god and serves them and takes care of them . Even though we don’t have anything to eat, the guests are never left hungry and are always looked after by the members of the family. Elders and the respect for elders is a major component in Indian families Elders are the driving force for any family and hence the love and respect for elders comes from within and is not artificial. An individual takes blessings from his elders by touching their feet. All people are alike and respecting one another is ones duty. In foreign countries the relation between the boss and the employee is like a master and slave and is purely monetary whereas in Indian culture the relation between the boss and the employee is more like homely relations unlike foreign countries.

Helpful nature is another striking feature in our Indian culture. Right from our early days of childhood we are taught to help one another in need of help and distress,subsequently make this world a better place to live in. 

Even though India is a country of various religions and caste our culture tells us just one thing 'phir bhi dil hai hidustani '. I love my India - I love my India. I can sacrifice my self, my whole family for my Great India.

Apka Anuj -> Krishnakant Savita 


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